Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Rogtober!

If I'm a poor, poor devil I'm a lucky, lucky dog If I'm a low, low life I'm livin' high on the hog --RCPM, "Bury My Heart at the Trailer Park" September has finally left. "Good riddance," I say, whilst spitting in its face and farting in its general direction. Okay, September wasn't too terribly bad. At least the first two weeks had some pretty sweet moments. Then it all pretty much went down the shitter. But Rogtober has finally arrived. That means I'm two days from the first of three RCPM shows, since I've decided to do the Appleton thing. Yay, Appleton! Then there's that Mike Doughty show on the 17th. And the Alternate Routes will be at Schuba's on the 30th. Oh, wait, I guess I'll miss that one. The 30th is also Ray Bradbury Theater, which kinda gets first billing in my book. Either way, things are looking up. G-ma is getting sent to a non-acute facility tomorrow for a couple more weeks of observation. My mother has decided to stop throwing temper tantrums. And other than an odd bit that required me to make two phone calls to the Michigan DMV yesterday and discuss things with the Michigan Department of Michigan Residents Who Aren't Actually in Michigan at the Moment but Need Assistance from the State of Michigan (okay, that's not actually what it's called. I just don't remember the actual name and coming up with long, convoluted ways of saying that). Things are slowly returning to normal. And it's Rogtober. With a new months comes new possibilities. So remember... Any hurries, we can delay Any worries, we can belay Any burden we can give away to (Hip, hip hooray...) Mañana Come and join our croonin' Mañana Hopefully we're swoonin' Mañana (Everybody) gazing at the moon in the sky above the sea --RCPM, "Mañana"


big a said...

List of things to do:

Fiesta is number one,
Siesta number two...

That's enough.
Yeah, that outta do.

PersonalFailure said...

i like to start with the siesta, personally.

Geds said...

big a:

Totally. I was listening to some Turbo Ocho goodness on my way in to work today.

I was also trying to figure out if I could justify going to Cedar Rapids to see them again on the 9th. But that seems a little excessive.


Man. You're boring.