Friday, February 13, 2009

Show You Care with the Gift of Snark

I’ve seen The dangers of Your rising sign But I swear I’d like To drink the fuel straight from your lighter It’s all inside the wrist, it’s All inside the way you time it I resent the way you make me like myself - Mike Doughty, "Rising Sign" So now that it's Friday the 13th and I'm getting ready to spend the day hiding behind my black cat repelling fence before emerging on Saturday to spend Valentine's Day the way I've always spent Valentine's Day: celebrating the Valentine's Day Massacre with my imaginary girlfriend Olga. Before I go cower in the corner, I figured I'd share this article with everyone. Just goes to show, if you're going to base your life on random superstitions, make sure they're up to date. Oh, and read a couple of the comments. It's kind of funny how people miss the point. I also now wish I was born in the beginning of December. I'd love to have this conversation some day: "So what's your sign?" "Ophiuchus." "Uh..."


PersonalFailure said...

I'm Ophiuchus!

I will celebrate Valentine's the way I always do- by not. It's silly.

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Now I'm an Aquarius! Much cooler than Pisces.

Beware, I am about to start singing the Fifth Dimension greatest hits...

Anonymous said...

(reads comments, bangs head against table)

Though I had to love the "skeptical hardheaded atheist" who couldn't deny that he had many characteristics of his old sign, and even MORE of his new sign...

I plan to celebrate Valentine's Day like I celebrate every Saturday -- going to work, then doing laundry. I might eat something pink and/or chocolatey if offered, however.

Anonymous said...

Heh, turns out instead of being a Capricorn like I've been told all these years, I'm a Sagittarius.

Which means in the Battlestar Galactica world that I've instantly dropped from a first-class citizen to a third-class citizen overnight - I also probably died years ago from my people's insistence on not using modern medicine.

Thanks alot, jackass. :P