Thursday, September 17, 2009

Original Content is for Suckers...

After pulling the Debbie Downer routine the last couple of days I've decided to do something different. "Write your own stuff?" you ask, naive in your naiveté... "No. I'm going to link to something that's rather amusing and light-hearted. Silly, silly child." So where do we turn when we need something amusing, light-hearted, and rife with trenchant observation? Why, Margaret and Helen, of course... It is, of course, a problem that we've been getting so much contentless news coverage of the teabaggers. I actually remember the derisive commentary about how the Million Man March fell far short of a million people way back in the day. It still had a nearly 10-to-1 advantage over the 9/12 bull crap. But, of course, the idiocy of the whole thing and the fact that our media is completely failing us was lost in the next news cycle. Why? Because Kanye West did something stupid at the VMAs. Holy crap, people! Kanye West doing something arrogant and stupid shouldn't be the dominant news story. Kanye West not doing something arrogant and stupid should make the news. On page, like, 48 of a 49 page paper. Now if Kanye West had assaulted the stage at the VMAs and ripped off Taylor Swift's face to reveal that she is, in fact, an android, then we would have had something. Seriously, look at a picture of Taylor Swift and tell me she's not made out of plastic. And I'm pretty sure that she's got one of those Terminator threat-assessment and targeting HUDs behind those crazy, lifeless eyes. I'm surprised she didn't wrap her titanium-boned fingers around Kanye's neck, lift him high in to the air and mechanically chant, "Must destroy. Must destroy," while choking the life out of him. She's way better programmed than that police robot from Robocop 2. And, like, every science fiction movie ever (remember when C-3PO went insane and attacked George Lucas because the plot of the prequel trilogy sucked and the script was written by a 12-year-old? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about...). Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, Kanye West... No. That's not it. There was something else. Crap, I forget. Oh, well. Hey, tonight's the season premiere of 30 Rock. Also, I'm cautiously optimistic about that Community show that NBC keeps pushing on us. So, hey, at least I've got that goin' for me. And if I ever remember what I was originally talking about I'll get back to you.


PersonalFailure said...

Today on Extra!: Kanye West did not freak out. Video at 11.

The Everlasting Dave said...

"Kanye West not doing something arrogant and stupid should make the news."

The truth of that statement has birthed mine prophetic nihilism. He's such a gay fish.

bluefrog said...

Geds, I love you! I had never read Margaret and Helen before, and I am forever in your debt. And yes, the media mistaking entertainment for news makes me nuts. The distinction between trivial and important has vanished in the drive to report "news" 24/7/365--we get everything, and everything seems to have equal weight. Ugh.

jcjude said...

Yup, I and my friends thought the same thing, we figured it was all a set up by Kanye West in order to make someone’s career grow or prevent from going down…that’s Hollywood for you!!! Nothing is ever real expect maybe for some “real life” shows/reality shows, but even those, I’m sure, are edited to a certain extent.