Monday, January 25, 2010

And Yet Another Quick Update...

Okay, so we seem to have the idea of January 30th at the Londoner nailed down. I have now, however, received a request from one Big A to move it to lunch time due to a "scheduling conflict" because he "has to work." I mean, I totally don't buy it, since I know that all he ever does is hang out in his room alone and imagine various Disney characters naked,* but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. So, um, anyone object to a noon-ish time slot? Or should we start looking at the wonderful, funderful month of February? ----------------- *He doesn't actually do this.** **Or does he? Although, for the record, the addition of a live-action Amy Adams in, um, that one Disney movie that happened recently...I want to say Enchanted -- Yeah, that sounds right*** -- does mean that it's possible to imagine Disney characters naked in a totally non-creepifying way. I suppose that works if you're a woman or a non-heterosexual male and go for the McDreamy types, too. Also, you know who's totally hot? Ariel. I'm just sayin' is all.**** ***Also, I might have seen it in the theaters. I might also have been in an actual relationship at the time. I mean, it was a terrible relationship and a bad idea, but I was definitely in it. I got a participant ribbon and everything. ****Although that opens up a whole 'nother can of worms. I mean, pretty much all the Disney characters are completely stock in the traditional physical sense. The good women are all potential Tiger Woods mistresses (yeah, I went there. I figure Leno's still doing Tiger jokes, so I'm safe to, too. And I'll have a good seven years to work on new material. It's important to choose a humor yardstick that doesn't require me to keep up with the times. Oh, on another note, I'll have special guest commentary from the Dancing Itos next week). The good men are all handsome prince types (except in the cases they're not so that we can learn important lessons about inner beauty and how it's wrong to love someone that isn't conventionally attractive as long as you're one of those dumb, superficial women). The bad men have goatees, the bad women are wicked witch types or the "beautiful in a way that's not actually meant to be beautiful because of the smoldering red eyes and creepiness" sorts. Although I think I venture in to this topic every single time I mention Disney, so I'll just stop now. Also, isn't it funny how I can take a single, simple request and turn it in to a bizarre collection of strange footnotes that really have nothing to do with the original purpose of the post? This is how my brain works.


Anonymous said...

Nevermind your trivial plans. Bring on the dancing Itos!

:Camps outside blog with a picket sign saying same:

Fiat Lex said...

This is how brains work. Turtles all the way down, and so forth.

Also, I recently learned that Ursula, in Ariel, was designed to look and sound like Divine. Gives you a good idea of what Disney thinks its viewers subconsciously perceive as evil, eh?

Fake Al Gore said...

Lunch menu to the rescue!

I'm still game.

Michael Mock said...

Lunch is fine. (The Londoner has food - not a terribly wide selection, but good.)

Also, Jasmine is hawt.

That is all.

Leigh said...

Yes, Amy Adams was in Enchanted. Yes, it is OK to imagine Disney characters, real or animation, naked. Jasmine. Just saying. She is wicked hot.
However now I will spend the next familt night viewing of Enchanted with the kiddo seeing Amy Adams naked.
So, um, thanks.

Geds said...

Fiat Lex:

Um, who (or what), exactly, is Divine? Also, I can totally see the Ursula comparison there...


And now you know what it was like for me to watch Enchanted. Welcome to my world. The bar is opening shortly, I hope you enjoy beer and single malt. Oh, and gin and tonic. There's lots of that, too.

bluefrog said...

I guess you need to be from Baltimore.


bluefrog said...

Nuts. That should be:

bluefrog said...

AAARGH! Doesn't want to wrap the URL, does it? Add htm to the end.

The word verification seems unusually apt. It's "frokedef"

Geds said...

Well, the link is the right length on the main window. Also, Divine seems like a fascinating story. Guess you learn something new every day...

AnnaBanana said...

I love Ariel.