The planning for the first ever meeting of the Accidental Historian Appreciation Society: Dallas Area Chapter, that is.
This coming Saturday, January 30th, at noon we'll convocate at
The Londoner, Addison. All truths will be revealed, including:
- My real name.
- My real occupation.
- Where I really was when JFK was shot.*
- The location of the secret backups to the Nixon Tapes.
- What Saddam Hussein really did with the WMDs.
- What I ate for breakfast this morning.
Everyone's invited, whether you're a regular, a lurker who's worried that your friends and family will stop loving you if they ever find out you posted on a blog (which is true, by the way, you'll be disowned, someone who would post, except you destroyed your keyboard with Diet Cola and got lost in the Fry's that one time you tried to replace it, or a really attractive single girl without weekend plans who accidentally stumbled across this blog and wants to meet a guy who looks like this:

Oh, wait, that's Clooney. I'm this guy:

And since I know you're wondering, no, that's not a prop beard. Lorna's the real deal.
*Let's just say that until I moved here I spent almost one entire day in Dallas...
Lunch time, I just might make it, gotta convince the gf though and you had to do this after Mass Effect 2 came out now too.
Right, I'll keep an eye out for George Clooney.
...Say, maybe a sign would be in order. ::fires up Photoshop::
And, come to think of it, nametags might help, too. Something like:
Pseudonym: ___________
Real Name (Optional): ____________
or hey here is a recent picture of me...
So yeah I will be the guy french kissing the dinosaur or this one:
No I am not PZ. I am 6'6" and rather hard to miss. You can call me Justin.
The nametag idea is a good one, I'll probably go that route as I have no recent pictures of myself.
I'm the gleeful fellow in the profile picture. My name is Dustin.
I'll be there around noon, but I will be leaving to help my nephew with a school history project no later than 4:00pm.
Lorna? Nice. I LOL'd.
And BeamStalk, that triceratops picture, while disturbing, has made you my new hero. (And the sign next to you that reads "Photo opportunity for children 12 and under" makes it that much better.)
You named your damn beard.
*shakes head*
I remember that thing when it was godawful stubble, and even then, it looked like it ought to have masculine nomenclature. You've got the whole classic Scandinavian two-tone thing going on, with the hair all sandy brown and the "beard area" pretty much red. Call it Sven or Slugger or something, for goodness' sakes.
Although if you did name it after that Mike Doughty song I will forgive you.
Michael: Can my nametag say "Hello My Name is: wikka wikka Slim Shady?"
Also, I do hear that George Clooney is an avid reader, so he just might show up...
BeamStalk: You're gonna bring PZed and/or the dino with you when you come, right?
Fiat: I believe M.Doughty named "Lorna Zauberberg" after my beard. Just sayin'.
Although there is a perfectly cromulent story behind the name. See, I decided to grow the beard when I was still in "a relationship" with a certain extremely cute but also not-particularly-emotionally-or-mentally-stable pastor's daughter. One day she expressed annoyance at my tendency to give things names. My response was, "I've decided to call my beard 'Lorna.'"
It was literally the first word that came to mind and it amuses the hell out of me to this day. So I just kind of go with it.
PZ is in California and Ken Ham is still pissy about the dinosaur.
I think my gf and her kid will be coming with me. Also we won't go if the roads are too icy.
Wife and Small Boy may or may not be with me, so it won't be an all-male gathering.
And I actually resemble my profile picture, except less of a cartoon.
Geds you get this one:
And I am not going to make it. I can barely get my car out of my parking lot. It snowed here all day yesterday. It melted enough to freeze over night and apparently Oklahoma doesn't ever think to salt the roads.
It's too bad you couldn't come. I gave everyone who attended a fresh, new, non-counterfeit $100 bill...
Hey, thanks again for the $100!
It was a shame you couldn't make it, Beamstalk. There's always next time, though.
lulz, I left my apartment to go to Wal-Mart which is right across the highway from me and barely made it. That night a friend of mine came over and he had gone to Dallas that day. Turns out the ice was only for about 5 miles south, then it was clear. BAH!
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